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QGIS | Map creation 

> Objective

  • This section shows how to create different types of maps in QGIS like choropleths, heatmaps or hex maps.  

> Index / Table of Contents

  • Introduction  

  • Tutorial(s)  

    • Maps 

    • QTiles

    • Choropleths 

    • Heatmaps 

    • Hex maps 

    • Thematic maps 

    • Cartogram 

  • QGIS installation

> Summary and Highlights


This section explains how to create different types of maps, such as choropleths, heatmaps or thematic maps.




Qtiles generates raster tiles from QGIS projects. 


Choropleths are statistical thematic maps that represent spatial variations of a quantity. 

  • Difference between WMS and WFS and create choropleths   Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie): “Choropleet voor beginners”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 12m 44s    

  • Create bivariate choropleths   Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie): “Bivariate choropleet”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 13m 10s 

  • Simple calculations with the Field Calculator and style a choropleth map   Hans van der Kwast: “Create a Choropleth Map in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 11m 15s  Chapters: introduction (start-0:35), download open data (0:35-2:10), filter (2:10-2:40), GeoPackage (2:40-3:10), save project (3:10-3:30), calculate people per household (3:30-4:40), neutral color ramp (4:40-5:30), labels (5:30-7:00), print layout (7:00-7:40), add title (7:40-8:20), edit legend (8:20-9:20), add text (9:20-10:20), export (10:20-end) 


Heatmaps are 2D graphical representations of data in which values are depicted by colors. 

Hex maps 

Hex map are made of a hexagonal grid with QGIS. 

  • Create a hex map   Erik Meerburg (3D geoinformation research group): “Urbanism GIS Course 15: Density using hex maps”  Language(s): English  Time: 7m 12s  Chapters: create a grid (start-0:21), using a hex grid (0:27-1:29), density map (1:29-end) 

Thematic maps  

The following links show how to create a thematic map with QGIS. 


A cartogram shows the geometry of regions in a distorted way, which is based on the information of an alternate variable. 

  • Create cartograms using the scale() function   Hans van der Kwast: “Create a Cartogram in QGIS 3.24 using the Scale Function and the Geometry Generator”  Language(s): English  Time: 12m 35s  

> QGIS Installation

Do you still need to install QGIS? The QGIS installation and update section explains how to install QGIS on Windows and macOS. 

Useful Links 

QGIS Training Manual

QGIS User Guide

GIS OpenCourseWare

Ujaval Gandhi (QGIS Tutorials and Tips website)

Erik Meerburg (3D geoinformation research group)  

Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie) YouTube channel 

Hans van der Kwast YouTube channel  

#QGIS, #Maps, #QTiles, #Choropleths, #Heatmaps, #Hex maps, #Thematic maps, #Cartogram 

Erik Meerburg (3D geoinformation research group). (2021, June 16). Urbanism GIS Course 3: Styling data and creating maps [Video]. YouTube.

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